Sunday, August 19, 2007

I would like to start this post with a possibly egocentric statement: I really love me. I know, I know, what a thing to say right? Isn’t it obvious that I really love me? And if I do or don’t why is that worth writing about? Well to all you people of the world no, it is not always obvious that I really love me--at least not as obvious as it is to me in this moment. And it’s worth talking about because I think we, as a people, forget that we can really love ourselves. I’m mean really and truly. I find it amazing that people across the globe can accept another person, faults and all, but still has things about themselves they are disturbed by.

This doesn’t mean one shouldn’t constantly be striving for self-improvement, on the contrary I feel self-improvement should be a daily goal of everyone in the perfect world, but it does mean that acknowledging your faults doesn’t have to lesson your love of yourself. I, for example, sometimes drool. In all honesty it might be one of my hotter moments, but I hope to not drool all over the gorgeous man I hope to someday share my bed. However, should it happen I will not feel like an idiot, or unsexy, or any silly such nonsense. I will simply be say sorry, drool happens.

I’m also extremely self-assured (as if there as any doubt following the “I love me” statement). But having watched many men I love and respect in my life lose their heads over women with a hint of self-doubt and intriguing naiveté I’ve come to accept that my don’t-touch-me-I’ll-take-care-of-myself attitude can be off putting. Hence why I’m still waiting for a man that says shut up, sit down, and don’t fight me while I take care of this.

So why does any of this matter you ask? Excellent question. I think sometimes that society as a whole imagines anyone who says they love themselves to be lying. Especially if there is something obviously wrong, or nothing obviously wrong. If the person is good looking and rich, s/he is obviously stupid or spoiled or hasn’t had to experience much of the world. If a person is ugly in any way than it is inconceivable that s/he likes him or herself when s/he is so obviously repulsive. If said person persists with his or her I love me attitude the world mocks them for clinging to it because s/he can’t just accept his or her ugliness.

And so I say to you, whomever it is that reads this someday, that I state for the world that I really love me. And I do it, without guise or defense mechanism because I feel it important that someone who is aware of her physical lackings, possible health risks, and sometimes dubious moral behavior, to admit to liking herself, honestly and truly, through and through. What I hope to communicate with this statement is that if I can you can. Perhaps a bit touchy feely for some of you, but I don’t really care. It’s my blog and if you can’t get a warm fuzzy feeling from my happiness and my wish for your own than you obviously need to give yourself some move self-love. Start with the kind you know and work out from there. It gets easier; I promise.

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