Sunday, May 14, 2006

This is something I wrote after seeing V for Vendetta, but I felt I should share it after reading an article this morning on Slate. Apparently the war on fat is fully underway. Obesiety has been declared "worse than 9-11". That, is not okay. For those that don't understand why that's not okay I won't be able to explain it to you. As a woman I've had my share of marginalizing, but I've never been part of a group specifically targeted as evil and detrimental to the country before. Some of you will argue that a person can control how fat she is, therefore, there is no reason for it. I will say, yes I can control the size of my ass to a certain degree, but it's my right. It's my choice what I eat how I eat and where I eat. The government does not get to make that decision for me. How many more liberties are we going to sacrifice "in our own good"? How many more freedoms are we going to let be regulated and taxed away? How many more times will a group of people be targeted because they offend the state? Answer me that, and then tell me I'm not allowed to be fat.

There's a problem with apathy. Or, rather, the thought that whatever you want to do someone has already done, and done better than you ever could. There is a danger in that thought. There is a danger because while it might be true, it is never an excuse for inaction. If, always, we leave it up to others to change things, enact those actions we so desperately wish for ourselves, then eventually some thoughts will remain unsaid. Eventually, enough people will be sure enough of other's actions that they cease to act themsevles and eventually action itself will slow to a crawl and those that feed off the inaction of others will rise to the forefront. We have reached that point now. The other problem with apathy is that it provides no protection against fear. When you never really care about anything other than your world you are never willing to fight for anything. Then, when fear threatens the only thing you've cared about, you have no idea how to fight for it and so you let others fight for you. You let them fight for whatever they want and give up everything you didn't know you had to ensure that those things of which you are aware, your home, your comforts, your material posessions, remain unharmed. Your ideas, your thoughts, your freedom is sacrificed without a thought; those things can be lost without pain after being neglected for so long. Their loss is never missed until the fear returns, and it is then that you realize what you had and what you've lost. Because now the fear has returned, only this time it isn't just a fear for your comfort or even your life, now it's a fear for your soul. But not it's too late. That which you didn't say because you were sure someone else had or would can no longer be said. Thoughts that might have changed the course remained silent and now the course is set. And maybe you think it's not a bad thing. Perhaps you think the course would be a good thing. The fear has yet to set in and you probably think it never will. And that is where you are wrong most of all. Because the sacrifice of ideas, thoughts and freedom are never acceptable losses. You are not safe if those must be given up. Instead you are more vulnerable than ever before, but in a subversive way. Those that would take these things from you for your protection will never protect you, only enslave you. Those that keep control of you for your own good want only to control you for theirs. The thought of a government that polices morals with actions is comforting to children but our country is not full of children. As easy as it would be to let the government parent we must never. We must never because a government must be the policer of injustice, the protector and stabilizer of the people. To be the moral parent might seem necessary to accomplish these things but it is the antithesis of them. To parent you must supress and control the child, lead her into what you want her to be. But the people are not children and parenting by the government will only result in the supression and control of the people. It will result in the squashing of unsavory ideas and forbidding of seemingly immoral acts. This isn't right. This is not okay because while the idea of a society that encourages specific moral ideas can be comforting the reality will always result in the abuse, supression and control of its people. That is never okay. If you believe that the violence against certain persons is justified because their moral structure does not match yours what does that say about you? Do not shy away from that question, do not rationalize. What does it mean if you believe that facism is acceptable if it results in stability? These are the questions we must ask of ouirselves because we like to justify our choices. We like to think we have reasons, good reasons for what we do and what we let happen. But do we really? Do we really have any better reason for the allowance of control than fear? Fear for our lives, homes, material possessions? And if all you have is fear what are you allowing to be done to allieviate that fear? And now we're back to where we started.

Friday, May 12, 2006

I would like to say that some ass posted a comment promoting porn on my last blog and that is not okay. I get to choose what porn I promote and don't promote so this is my official comment not sanctioning the promotion.

Other than that I really don't have much to say, it's finals and my brain is fried which makes for not very interesting material really. Oh for the day when I can be noted author and Professor and not have to worry about homework anymore!